
Tap / click the forms you need below to download. Please fill out the applicable forms and submit original copies in-person to the school main office.

Early registration discounts available!  See Registration Guidelines for more info.

Registration Guidelines SY 2023-2024

Schedule of Fees SY 2023-2024

Registration Form / Packet

Medical Clearance Form

TIP: You can download the Adobe Acrobat Reader app (or any app you prefer) on your mobile device to fill out the PDF forms.

If using a laptop or desktop computer, you can download and install the recent version of Adobe Acrobat Reader for FREE (Google search Adobe Acrobat Reader FREE). Once installed, go to Tools > click on Fill & Sign to fill out the PDF form.

You can save time by filling out the COMMON INFO (example: parents names, address, etc.) on the PDF form and use File > Save As to save multiple copies of the PDF form for each of your children.

Please DO NOT EMAIL any forms to the school. Submit original copies in-person to the school main office.


School Supplies

– Preparatory Supplies List

– Grade 1 – 3 School Supplies List

– Grade 4 – 5 School Supplies List

– Middle School – Supplies List