Congratulations to all the new NJHS, Veritas Chapter members for SY 2018-2019! Adrianna Carey Arciaga Tera Mann Tisha Mann Camille San Pablo Maria Claire Sorio Nichelle Torcelino Dominic Wesolowski Guest speaker: Zyra Sanchez, DCS Alumni
Congratulations to all DCS participants in the annual Guam History Day competition held at the University of Guam on March 23, 2019. Great job! Tera & Tisha Mann / Rank: Gold, Exhibit Category Alphius Dela Rojo & Matthew Navarro / Rank: 3rd Place, Website Category Khloe Simbulan & Kyla Orzame / Rank: 3rd Place, Documentary Dionne Marbibi / Sponsor Read more…
Dominican Catholic School 8th Graders joined the Guam Catholic Schools 8th Grade Retreat hosted and organized by Bishop Baumgartner Memorial Catholic School on March 14, 2019. Mr. Kevin Delgado of Santa Teresita Parish of Mangilao, Guam led the students in their prayers and reflections and facilitated their group sharing and activities. Office of Catholic Education Superintendent Mr. Richard Alvia, welcomed Read more…
Guam World Youth Day 2019 Campaign and School Visit at Dominican Catholic School on March 12, 2019. This aimed at promoting the archdiocesan celebration of WYD in April. This was presented by Mr. Kevin Delgado, Youth Minister of Santa Teresita Parish of Mangilao, Guam. DCS middle school students attended the presentation. God bless the upcoming Guam WYD 2019! ~Iñigo San Read more…
Technology, Education, Assessment, Management (TEAM) Conference Third International Conference 2019 hosted by University of Guam School of Education on March 11, 2019. This is participated by three DCS teachers and other teachers, administrators from Guam public and Catholic schools, UOG students and professors. There were also presenters and participants from Hongkong, Japan, the Philippines, Fiji, and other Pacific Island Read more…