Upon completion of the required studies, the Dominican Catholic School envisions its graduates to be:
V – VALUE-ORIENTED individuals who:
- center their lives on God’s teachings
- maintain a moral and ethical life
- foster the culture of a strong
- christian family
E – EMPOWERED individuals who:
- are motivated to embrace new opportunities, challenges and innovations in an ever-changing society
- are willing to take risks and graciously accept the results
R – RESPONSIBLE individuals who:
- promote and respect the sanctity and dignity of life
- value and respect the culture, race and beliefs of the people around them
- recognize and appreciate the need for conservation and protection of the environment
I – INTELLECTUAL individuals who:
- respond to academic challenges and aspire for lifelong learning
- demonstrate effective skills in oral and written communication
- use critical thinking in problem-solving
- use technology in a disciplined manner to enrich life, creativity and productivity
T – TRUTHFUL individual who:
- live and stand for justice and peace
A – ACTIVE individuals who:
- are motivated to live a healthy physical, emotional and mental lifestyle
- contribute in diminishing and solving problems of the society
S – SERVICE-ORIENTED individuals who:
- manifest the act of selfless love of family, community and country
- are involved in programs and activities to assist those in need.